Thursday, 17 February 2011


We had our first real meal together! Pancakes for breakfast!

I just made them without sugar as we have sweet things on them anyway.. Nora had hers mashed with fruit puree. It was fun the little miss (tried) feeding herself.

Some of it actually went in!

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Good Mush

I had a baby mush cook-up last week to add to the fruit I already have in the freezer.

I made a batch of sweet potato with carrots and broccoli plus a batch of Broccoli and pears with peas and I blended a load of what I was having for dinner that night too- Chicken, parsnips and carrots and apple. Nora likes them except for the one with Chicken.. I'm thinking of adding some prunes to the mix any suggestions are welcome, I made quite a big batch and don't want to lose it.